Estate Auction – Saturday – April 17, 2021

Location: 1043 N. Jackson Street, Montezuma, Indiana.1.5 blocks North of U.S. 36. Next to park on East side of town.
Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.
Saturday – April 17, 2021 – 11:00 A.M. EST
2010 Club Car golf cart, gas; J.D. Z35E zero turn lawn mower; Craftsman LT 4000 14 H.P. lawn tractor; 2-15 gal. sprayers; Air Prop air compressor; C Clamps; Dremel sander and router; vise; 2 shop vacs; Cummins 5 speed drill press; Cal Hawk 14” band saw; Kobalt tools; router bits and electric drills; Craftsman 16” scroll saw; Lincoln welder; Sanders; Central Pneumatic 1/3 H.P. 3 gal.; 4 galvanized oil cans; De Walt planer; 55 pound anvil with 2 attachments; De Walt plane jointer; Rockwell Jawhorse; Power King lathe tools for lathe; Central Machinery 13 gal. dust collector; Napa 8 drawer tool chest; Industrial router table; 35,000 BTU heater; Central Pneumatic sand blaster; Ryobi 10 in. surface planer; Chicago Flux welder; DeWalt 60 gal. air compressor; Shumacher charger/battery tester; Craftsman 10” belt drive table saw; Task Force 4” belt saw-6” disc sander; Porter Cable sawzall; Poulan Pro tiller; Honda pressure washer; Spreader and sand blaster; Fire Chief reproduction gas pump; 3 step ladders and 2 vinyl storage cabinets; metal shelf; drop cords and metal walk board; Remington pole saw; Cabinet; garden hose; propane heater; old Walker jack; 2 tool boxes; J.D. salamander heater; wood bench & Craftsman shop seat; other items.
Large dinner bell; Coca-Cola cooler; Toshiba 2009TV;LG42”TV; LG47”TV with soundbar; Sanyo18”TV; Toshiba TV; G.E. washer and elec. dryer; oak wardrobe with mirror; oak secretary bookcase; Howard Miller grandfather clock; dining table with 6 chairs and 3 leaves; England loveseat; Flexsteel hide a bed; 2 end tables; 2 La Z Boy recliners; La Z Boy double recliner; 2 china cabinet; sewing machine in cabinet; Spencer and Excel guitar; Bissell carpet cleaner; 3 file cabinets; night stand; Singer oak treadle sewing machine; Canon copier; Electrolux and Discovery up. newer desk 2 cabinets; 4 drawer oak chest; office chair; fig glassware; Corning Ware; oak lamp table with glass ball feet; gas grill; porch swing; patio swing; coffee and 2 end tables; dishes; pots and pans; small electric appliances; Singer Merritt sewing machine; queen bed with chest and dresser; ruby red glassware; large dresser and chest full size bed; quilt rack; towels; sheets; blankets; bedspreads; like new lift chair; mauve chair; many other fine items.
Terms: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed matter