SATURDAY, June 8, 2024

11:00 am EDT

LOCATION: 1210 S Third Street, Clinton, Indiana or 3 blocks South of Union Hospital Clinton. Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.


Note: Guns and Truck will sell a 12:00 Noon EDT




Sony DVD player; VCR’s; H.P. scan jet copier; Sanyo 27” TV; Brady vinyl kitchen table & 4 cream chairs; wash basin; red leather chair; Phillips amplified antenna; 2 Lasko wind machine fans; Tom Tom navigation system; Longaberger baskets; assorted baskets; Fleer basketball cards; Topps baseball cards; Honeywell air purifier; pictures & frames; Invacare 9000 wheel chair; leather recliner; wooden kitchen table & 4 chairs; Singer Sewing machine; boltless shelving units; rocking chair; folding table with 6 chairs; bakers rack; floor lamps; Washington Mansion cigarette box; Yellowstone cigarette box; basket making crafts; stock pot with strainer basket; beach towels; holiday items; galvanized drinking thermos; Bissell Power Force vacuum; Hoover vacuum; Hoover Max carper cleaner; box fan attached to rolling cart; sprayer; Pepsi ,Coca Cola, R.C. wood crates; Samsung TV; Cubii stepper; stamp collection; 4 drawer file cabinet; waterfall China cabinet; record player; many yard tools; Pride travel scooter; shop vac’s; calculator; quilt; typewriter; minnow bucket; mantel clock; records; bird houses; floor lamps; bird houses; wheel barrow; computer desk; sugar bucket; new fire stick; Dell monitor; smoke alarms; DVD’s ; CD’s; CO 2 alarms; Levenhuk microscope; blanket chest; roasters; Pyrex; 21 pocket knives; copper kettle; Oxford Savings Bank; kitchen cabinet; king size bed; Covered bridge oil painting by Ellis; mustache cup; strait razors; old Valentine cards; dollies; old lanterns; Pepsi crate cart; crock pots; oil lamps; baskets; pocket watches; hunting horns; constable badge; old Clinton map; antique marbles; Atari game center; fossil rocks; cheese box; Rebecca Graham wood saw painting; Craftsman roll around tool cabinet; vintage lighter; Brower MFG Co. Chesty potato chip tin; Valentine’s Pure lard tin can; egg scales; Radio Flyer red wagon; Keller fiberglass ladder; wood ladders; Santa blow mold; yard ornaments; elephant stand; bird house collection; 2 wood pulleys feathers; baseball glove; file cabinet; Christmas; Ideal doll; dolls & clothes; vintage table clothes; Pepsi Cola tin hold crate/bottles; canes; old aprons; Rosenblatt Bros. brush; Vernon Ware dish set; Golden Rose china; Chatillon fish scales; sand dollars; star fish; sting ray; smoking pipes; typewriter; GE electric range; Philco refrigerator; buckets; cedar chest; Afghans ; Red Wing 3 gal. jug; 12 gal. crock; 48 star flag; 12 V cooler & warmer; totes; hard carts; hot dog sticks; coal buckets; Coke bottle opener; miners hats; original Bowie knife; cane poles; fishing tackle; B& D leaf hog & hedge trimmer; Skil saw; tree trimmer; Titan ladder; floor lamps; hand saws; rugs; 10 in band saw new in box; yard sticks; vintage smoke stand; oil lamps; candle sticks; Quaker tin; vintage copper lined humidor/ tobacco magazine holder; green enamelware; doll bed; Christmas; shelving; roll top desk; Army song book; silverware; vintage kitchen cabinet; dolls; canning jars; lams; wash board cabinet; 1932 Clinton year book; old fans – Wagner – Emerson – GE; coffee grinder; glass wash stand; chifferrobe; oak leaded glass door China cabinet; lighted curio cabinets; 1950’s record caddy holder; Sears 2 piece roll around tool box; collection of 4 H pins; Navy whistles, patches, awards, MP arm bands, picket bible, Big Beam light folding tables; Scotts spreader; Snapper 38” Hydro mower with grass catcher; lawn roller; 3 bikes; lawn box; Yard machine snow blower; Troy Bilt mowers; Morton Speed wash washboard; Pride Ultra Power chair; Sinclair trash can; other items.



1971 Custom 10 Chevrolet pickup – 111,497 miles; Savage Kresge Co. 22; Wing Master Model 87 TB 12-gauge pump; Savage 3 inch chamber 22-410 – model 24; New Haven Model 283 TA 410-gauge single shot; Savage Model 30 pump 20-gauge, 3 inch chamber; old 22 short/long Remington; Savage Model 220 12 gauge single shot; New Haven Mossberg 12-gauge pump; Marlin Model 336 30/30 with scope; Ruger 22 carbine with Weaver scope; Smith & Wesson pistol; 22 H & R pistol.

Auctioneer Note: All Federal and State gun laws will be strictly adhered too. 

 Guns will not be on premises until day of auction. Buyer must be 18 years or older to purchase. Buyer will pay $20.00 process fee.

Guns will not be on premises until day of auction.

Bring a friend and join us for a great day at the auction.


Over 260 pictures on Auctioneer ID 1983

Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter. For more information about this Auction stop by our office downtown Covington, Indiana, call Greg at 765-793-7315, text 765-585-8418 or e-mail We are here to help with your Auction, Real Estate and Appraisal needs.

Attorney – Richard L. Rennick Jr.


For more information about this Auction stop by our office downtown Covington, Indiana, call Greg at 765-793-7315, text 765-585-8418 or e-mail We are here to help with your Auction, Real Estate and Appraisal needs.

Michael Joyce Estate