ESTATE AUCTION – Saturday, October 14, 2023


Saturday, October 14, 2023

11:00 am EDT

LOCATION: 211 South Odd Street, Kingman, Indiana. From IN State Rd 234, turn onto South Odd Street, then turn Right to stay on South Odd Street. Destination will be on the left. or 2 blocks South West of the Red and White grocery store. Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.


4 Franklin Mint dolls; IHC 1586 toy tractor; J.D. 5020; JD wagon; JD plow disc; JD tractor; Tonka truck; Structo livestock trucking; Structo Express trailer; 2 IHC grain wagons; fire truck; Cub Scout books; Aunt Jemima bottle; 2 sets of Clackers; King Edward silver plate; advertising coin purses; toy blocks; bowling pin game; child’s double seat desk; doll tin dream house Kay and EE Dew Master; vintage 1950’s and Pixi dolls; Draw A Matic; 1960’s Roy Rogers shoes; Vintage Coca Cola toy soda dispenser; paper back Fairy Tale books; old dolls; Tops collecting cards – 1966; Berwin child’s typewriter; marbles; Johnny Astro toy; paper dolls; Fountain Trust dog bank; 1966 Lipstick/Mirror; baseball cards; Kids Wolverine Stove fridge; Monkeys band; Batman; holster with cap pistols; View Master; games; doll bed; Sailor Top & pans; other items


G.E. refrigerator; G.E. washer and electric dryer; Broyhill 3 piece bedroom suite; retro 2 cushion sofa and matching chair; coffee table; dining table; silverware; paper weights; wood oval TV trays ceramic bull dogs; books; oil lamp; belt buckles; jewelry; 2 gumball rings; Silco stainless silverware; Corelle dinnerware; chair with ottoman; cabinet stereo system; FFA jacket; IU lawn chairs and throw; blankets; sheets; towels; afghans; comforters; Tupperware; wall wood gun rack; men’s cap collection; 2 drawer file cabinet; Broyhill desk with chair; Broyhill 3 drawer chest; cedar chest; twin bed; end tables; lamps; Chevy emblem; 1947 The Ace year book; pocket knives; La Z Boy recliners; #24 race car; lift chair; end tables; red porcelain bowl – vintage; painting by Phyllis; Erni cookie jar; kitchen table and 2 chairs; binoculars; comic books; straight razor; 7 Up bottle Indy 500 1978; Girl Scout cadet bracelet, Old Navy uniform; oil cans; wood tool box; car ramps; weed trimmer; wood advertising box; yard tools; knife and other Girl Scout items; Fountain Central student hand book; Truetone record player; 1960’s Play Boys; mineral specimens ;chairs; air hose; Ridged 12” blade porta saw; Snap On hex driver; Nydrolic porta; power; hand tools; pipe wrenches; Harley Country sign; double grinder; Frigidaire air conditioner; Longaberger basket; Abe Lincoln book ends; outdoor stair railing; lawn chairs; old quilt; John Deere peddle car and trailer; Tom and Jerry cups; Gone with the Wind items. Kodagraph toolbox on wheels; Aragon Motel key; minor’s hat and lamp; handy man jack; wheelbarrow; sawhorses; hammers; boot jacks; The Echo 1930 yearbook; Daisy BB gun; bull float; Allis Chalmers Big 10 lawn tractor with deck and blade; Basic Field manual 1943; soldiers handbook; other items.

Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter.


For more information about this Auction stop by our office downtown Covington, Indiana, call Greg at 765-793-7315, text 765-585-8418 or e-mail We are here to help with your Auction, Real Estate and Appraisal needs.


AUCTIONEER NOTE: Don was a lifetime resident of Kingman, Indiana. This auction features many vintage items. Food and beverages available to purchase on site. Bring a friend and join us for a great day at the auction.


Pictures available on Auctioneer ID 1983


Donald R. Crowder Estate