11:00 am EDT
LOCATION: 1135 S Meahome Trail, Crawfordsville, Indiana or 2.5 miles West of Crawfordsville on S.R. 32 then South on Meahome Trail. Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.
Knee hole desk; crystal table lamps; 6’ x 8’ sculptured area rug; oval Queen Anne end tables; dog statue; Queen Anne dining table with 8 chairs; walnut dining buffet with plat racks; type set what not shelf; Italian pictures; wooden wall clock; 5’ x 8 floral rug; walnut dining table with leaves & 4 chairs; marbles; board games; cast iron fire engine, ice truck; train with car, cannon, motorcycle; man, others; bird statue collection; throw blankets; glass bell collection; wedding ring quilt; antique wood baby rattle; dad iron; set draftsman tools; Timex radio; cat & dog books; novels; pewter color double metal bed frame; linens; pine blanket box; dresser; electric heater; pewter lamp; brass lamp; twin beds; bedside table; Victorian hall painting; Young Hinkle antique desk pine; heavy oak desk chairs; Kenmore cabinet; sewing machine; quilt fabric; yarn; afghans; bentwood chairs; sewing table; wood file cabinet; fabric cutting table; sewing notions; 3 drawer maple dresser; Ian Karron books pine 40” hallway table; animal S & P collection; maple end tables; gold world map pictures; 3 cushion overstuffed sofa; gray overstuffed chair; Corning Ware; deer slate welcome sign; 5’ x 6’ beige & burgundy area rug; brown La Z Boy rocker recliner; floor lamp; 3 cushion floral tapestry sofa with chair; beige queen Anne style side chair; Towels; canisters; angel blow mold; Samsung microwave new in box; Fire King; dishes; milk glass; cobalt blue glass; vintage red & clear crystal punch bowl; baskets; cookers; Christmas; throw rugs; walkers; other items.
2004 Buick Rendezvous, gold exterior, 109,758 miles, cruise, power windows; Troy Bilt lawn tractor with cruise, 18.5 H.P., 42” deck; Worx leaf blower; gas cans; weed trimmer; Yard Machine mower; hand dolly; fishing poles; B& D Work Mate; fans; palm sander; 10 in. mitre saw; Delta 10” bench saw; hedge trimmer; Craftsman circular saw; hand saws; c clamps; tool box ; railroad lantern; B& D elec. drill; lawn chairs; Gorilla ladder 13 positions; Skil plunge router; pipe wrenches – ridged; other items.
Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter. For more information about this Auction stop by our office downtown Covington, Indiana, call Greg at 765-793-7315, text 765-585-8418 or e-mail We are here to help with your Auction, Real Estate and Appraisal needs.
For more information about this Auction stop by our office downtown Covington, Indiana, call Greg at 765-793-7315, text 765-585-8418 or e-mail We are here to help with your Auction, Real Estate and Appraisal needs.