ESTATE AUCTION: Saturday, October 23, 2021 @ 11:00 am CST (Illinois time-zone)

Saturday October 23, 2021 @ 11:00 am C.S.T (Illinois time-zone)
LOCATION: 2112 Greenwood Cemetery Road, Danville Illinois. (¾ mile East of Route 1) From IL-1 S/US-150 E. turn left onto E. Ross Lane, then turn right on Greenwood Cemetery Road. Destination is 3/10-mile South. Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.
G.E. Profile Stainless refrigerator with ice & water, bottom freezer – like new; Whirlpool Duet front load washer & electric dryer – like new; G.E. electric range – like new; oak corner cupboard; oval oak dining table with 6 chairs; 2 La Z Boy recliners – like new; oak roll top desk; maple chest & dresser with headboard; maple rocker; La Z Boy sleeper sofa; oval carved table; old 5 drawer chest; oak washstand; marble top dresser with hankie drawers; oak wall cabinet; cedar chest; figurines; bookcase; books; dishes; pots & pans; silverware; kitchen utensils;3 metal shelving units; towels; small crock; 3 oil lamps; computer desk; 2 file cabinets; electric heater; pitcher & bowl; paper shredder; small cabinet; toys; games; puzzles; upright fan; toaster oven; 3 View Masters; Petrie camera; radios; Christmas decorations; Lincoln Logs; wool Army blankets; end table; camel back trunk; old purse; few Comic books including: Airboy, Hopalong Cassidy, Western Adventures, Captain Marvel, Don Winslow; Montgomery Ward scales; 48 star flag; jewelry; 2 old wood chairs; older Presto canner; cast iron items; New Home Full rotary sewing machine; lots of sewing accessories; wooden toy box; Christmas light sculpture; old Yank magazine 1945; Cisco Kid coloring book; Big Little books; Dazey # 60 churn; card table; old canteen; homemade wind chime; Craftsman shop vac; wooden chest; buckets; old mirror; holiday decorations; lawn tools; small hand tools; bolt bins – full; big pipe wrenches; 2 ton floor jack; jack stands; bottle jack; Winco pto generator; old Myers water pump; creeper; Lincoln welder; scrap wood; lawn chairs; saw horses; flower pots; milk can; table made in India; garden hose; air hose; 2 man crosscut saw; misc. light bulbs; camping stove; old sharpening stone; hand crank corn sheller; other items.
Sale bill and photos available on (Auctioneer: Greg Clingan ID # 1983)
AUCTIONEER NOTE: Many excellent items in this Auction!
Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter