ESTATE AUCTION Saturday October 30, 2021 @ 11:00 am C.S.T.

Saturday October 30, 2021
11:00 am C.S.T. (Illinois time)
drawer Mahogany chest of drawers with matching dresser; 5 piece Lea bedroom Patio wicker set; padded bent wood chairs; 2 Jacobean buffets; china cabinet; large flat top trunk; old lion domino et; Sharon Winslow paintings; ; St. Louis Cardinal World Series hats 1967; June & Julie wind up musical dolls with boxes; antique mantle clocks; French clock; assorted small antiqued clocks; walnut 4 poster bed; coo coo clock with deer deco; L. Ritter sunflower painting; Bell & Howell movie projector; quilt; very large old pictures; Edison phonograph; Hull candlestick & flower dish; large cash register; antique lady vanity; octogen table; old baskets; child’s doll park bench; 1950 ‘s cigarette stand; plant stand; set of bentwood kitchen chairs; copper colored canner; boiler; 3 owls lamps & others; vintage shadow pictures; Pabst neon sign; Blue Ribbon neon sign. Stroh’s beer sign; large 1900’s combination safe – 4 ft. x 3 ft.; lot of iron skillets including Griswold; red Avon dished; spindle back oak rocker; sleigh bed; walnut dresser with night stand; Lauhoff grain feed sack; wooden clothes dryer; plated copper stallion 10” ; ship replica; vintage child’s toy top; Louisville Slugger mini bat; post cards; scrap book; Small ceramic Christmas tree; wicket stools; Elvis new papers; USS Valiant; vintage green velvet sofa; Victorian side chairs; Victorian settee; RR lantern; Dietz lantern; other; round mirror; ice cream chairs; cobblers shoe stand; Victorian book case with glass doors; 5 shelf open book case; Duncan Phyfe pie crust table; Trooper cap gun; carnival glass; marbles; buttons; pink depression & clear glass; wood jewelry boxes; 1950 bourbon glasses; 1950’s records; metal Uncle Sam bank; cigarette lighter collection; Roseville serving bowl; large Roseville sponge ware crock; triple hanging mirror; cartoon plates; Aladdin plates & Wizard of Oz; St. Clair paper weight & others; dog & cat collection; Hall Jewell T pitchers; Paolo Soprano accordion in case; Rogers Bros. silver plate with box; vintage meat scale; Philco radio in cabinet; horse hame; handing elect. Oil lamp; ammunition box; small hump back steamer trunk; porcelain top kitchen table; small oil cans; old sink pump; Speed Queen ironer; Sunbeam bread sign; galvanized buckets & pails; hay forks; iron bean pots; Blatz beer sign; rug beaters; old metal thermometer; carpenter saws; 5 ft. crosscut saw; Federal shell wooden box; wood chicken egg crate; slaw cutters; galvanized wash tubs; wood Coca Cola crates; wood bird cage; fruit canning jars; amber medicine bottles; 3 – 50 gal. oil drums; painted Hoosier style cabinet with sifter; oak Hoosier style cabinet with porcelain top; iron hanging scales; 3 wood sleds; Eisner Piggly Wiggly baby food sign; McCoy stove cookie jar; Big Apple cookie jar; 3 world globes; Kidney shaped desk; Colonia ; maple rocker; sewing basket; box of keys; child’s maple rocker; Duncan Phyfe table with 4 chairs; luggage; Victorian fern stand; tubs; oak lamp table; sea shells; antique wood wheel chair; wood side chairs; 6 drawer chest of drawers; assorted mirrors; buck saws; metal bull dog door stop; large chalk ware bull dog; oak curved glass china cabinet; cedar chest; wood crates; barber strap 7 razors; antique floor lamps; Mickey Mouse drinking glasses; glass counter top display case; Seth Thomas grandfather clock; high back secretary; Burroughs adding machine on wheels; fossil rocks; oak whiskey barrel with lid; Ames planter wagon; 4 oak children desk chairs; bar room tables; 50 ft. new yard metal fence ; watering cans; square galvanized tube; old Wards grease can; 5 pair ice skates; 60 lb. table scale; 6 ft. wood step ladders; NYC – PA 2 qt. oil cans; 7 ft. steel parts rack on wheels; wood yard cart- spoke wheels; large wire dog cage; small dog kennel; bikes; slat back rocker; white twin bed frames; swimming pool ladder; wood baby bed; oak table chairs; chair frames; roll chicken wire; oven roasting pans; camp fire tea kettle; kitchen utensils; dishes; appliances; office chairs; vintage kitchen stove; cord organs; Presidential plates; old elect. Irons; sewing machines; advertising tins; 1958 Edsel Pacer Model car kit; Armstrong table stove; Pampered Chef cupcake mold; Retro A-B Stove Co. kitchen stove; stands; 3 drawer 2 door chest buffet; colonial mirror; collection of Barbie dolls; Western stoneware; Ruckels stoneware 1 gal.; knee hole desk; 1930’s lamp head with lighted mouth; Stroh light beer sign; antique alligator suitcase; #8 iron stove top waffle maker; 5 gal. HSP & S Co. stoneware jar with lid and bail – nice; HSP & S stoneware 5 gal.; service for 8 Trojan Sebring, Ohio USA dishes; G.E. electric dryer; Maytag washer; Art Deco electric head cigarette lighter; fern stand; Willy the clown; Harley Davidson lamp; vintage fountain pens; Century of Progress Chicago 1934 coffee cup; Chicago World’s Fair 10” world clock on stand; vintage calendars; vintage Danville advertisements; assorted old pamphlets; dolls from 1950’s doll clothes; oval reverse painting; Big cash register; many other items.
5 speed Convertible
odometer shows 160,000 miles
color: yellow.
Sale bill and photos available on (Auctioneer: Greg Clingan ID# 1983)
Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter. Food by Callahan Ventures.