PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, August 26, 2023


Saturday, August 26, 2023

10:00 am CDT (Illinois time)

Location: 710 McReynolds Street, Danville, Illinois. Watch for Clingan Auction signs!


ABOUT THIS PROPERTY: Nine room, all brick Ranch home has 2200 square foot living area, consisting of 3 Bedrooms, Family room, Dining room, Living room, fireplace, gas furnace, central air, Laundry, Kitchen, etc. with 1857 SF unfinished basement and a 2-car attached garage. Home has almost new walk-in tub plus 10’X16’ Sunroom.

Real Estate Terms: 10% Down Day of auction upon signing formal contract, balance due at closing within 30 days after auction and is non – refundable. Buyer must have financing arranged prior to auction.  Real estate sold subject to owner confirmation.  Taxes will be prorated to day of closing.   The successful bidder will sign an offer to purchase immediately after the auction. The auctioneers are exclusive agents of the sellers. Announcements day of auction will take precedence over printed material. Merchantable, insured title will be furnished.   Each potential bidder shall exercise due diligence and is responsible for his or her independent inspection, investigations, and inquiries


Mission oak dining table with 2 leaves on rollers; Blue barrel side chair; small oval coffee table with glass top; turtle sham coffee table with glass top; very nice 3 cushion floral sofa; Salad Master pots & pans; Rhodes Burford brass; angel clouds; enamel coffee pot; oak tea cart; Pyrex; shadow box; TV trays; card table & chairs; breathing machine; Illinois basketball throw; vintage lace wedding dress; 4 ft. lighted Christmas tree; easel chalkboard; Norman Rockwell “Girl in the Mirror” print; walnut lamp table; floor table lamp; afghans; queen bed linens; music boxes; angel collection; table center piece; Hummel  figurines – “ Girl with roses” and “The Little Prince “; antique walnut dining table with 3 leaves; 4 Windsor style bent wood chairs; 4 black padded dining chairs; Magnavox radio record console; 78 and 33 LP records; pedestal plant stand; Angel 4 picture wall grouping; butter fly swag; bird wall deco; wood stuffed pillow chair; 2 Queen Ann high back wing back patterned chairs; bamboo bakers rack; Catnapper electric lift recliner; First Time & Co. wall clock;  blue Craftsmaster 3 cushion sofa; 1954 Schlarman H.H. memory book; wicker hamper; Idell Ellingwood painting;    vintage Brownie movie camera; jewelry boxes; jewelry & boxes; Ernie Pyle “ Here is Your War” book from 1943; Invacare hospital bed – nice; matching button tufted side chairs;   Bissell upright sweeper; bed linens; lamps; 2 dr. file cabinet; 6 ft. alum. ladder; magazine rack; candy dishes; bear & bunny collection; wood pillar candle columns; short kitchen stop; antique porcelain; 2 old Brownie box cameras; Fire King Chip and Dip bowls; Harry Carry hat & opening day hat; willow Tree angels; Walnut Becker console piano with bench; Duck canister; elephant bookends;  Pasiode air nailer;  Cosco seat walker;  Clean Sweep tools;  other fine items

Terms of Auction:  Cash or check with proper I.D.,  I.D. for buyer number.  All property to be settled for day of sale.   No property to be  removed from premises until settled for.  Not responsible for  accidents or goods after sold.  Auctioneers and sale personnel work  as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter.

For pictures go to Auctioneer ID 1983