PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, January 20, 2024


Saturday, January 20, 2024

10:00 am EST


LOCATION:  476 W U.S. Highway 136, Veedersburg, Indiana. Fountain County 4-H Building – 1 mile West of Veedersburg. Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.



Apple bucket with handle; copper water can; Michigan toy crane; milk crock; pressure canner; 5 ft. metal cabinet; National wash board; Vizio flat screen 18” TV; set of Fostoria; stemmed glassware; honey pots; wood butter churn; rope edged China cabinet; snowman desk and chair; camel back trunk; Mini Mouse rocking chair; Red Wing water pitcher; collection of saucers; Red Avon Cottage dishes; Lion head floral lamp; kerosene lamps; colored glass dishes; maple dresser shaving mirror; pink depression; Quaker Oats cookie jar; Red Wooden Ware; nice quilts; decorative dishes; very nice patio table and 4 chairs; 2 wicker rockers; bird feeders; snowman collection; Christmas trees; assorted decorative pillows; seasonal decorations; luggage; kerosene lamp bracket; lawn furniture; vintage baskets; 2 BB guns; Hummel figurines; glass water dispenser; 2 step wood ladder; 4 dr. metal file cabinet; newer oak hall tree; finger salts; tea pots; oil lamps; wall mirrors; chase lounge; Kays nursing caps; wash stand; 2 – 12 gal. crocks; large Boyd’s bear; wicker baskets; ginger jar; Farmall die cast tractor; picnic basket; Bavaria tea set; LG TV; crock bowls; Fire King; pots & pans; cake plates; antique sewing table; wreaths; Paul Detlefsen print; Daisy butter churn; bunny collection; yearbooks including: Blue Book 1955-58; Medley 1958; Halloween décor; assorted pictures; doll buggy toys; Jewel T casserole and others; Big Roseville blue trim bowl; Queen Anne youth chair; kitchen bench; Victorian love seat; 12 red cereal bowls; Willi Ray Studio Box on legs; white walnut kitchen cabinet; leaded bevel glass curio cabinet; vintage oak music stand; oak pressed back rocker; tall 4 glass shelf cabinet with sliding doors; camel back trunk; wicker baby basket; antique settee; tea pot collection; stemware; hand painted dishes; bevel glass China cabinet; colorful serving dishes; antique upholstered baby buggy; Toy baby buggy; Li’l Abner Dog Patch windup toy; extra-long bridal veil; egg baskets; yarn baskets; flower baskets; Boudoir doll; vegetable baskets; many Longaberger baskets; large Santa decorations; glass baskets; hurricane lamps; hurricane floor lamp; spoon ring; books including: Raggedy Ann, 1930’s Montgomery Ward catalog; beige easy chair; 6’ x 8’ beige area rug; glass liquor bottler with spicket; small ladies rocker with blue seat; crystal cake stands with lids; walnut drop leaf side table; multiple pictures and paintings; rolling TV platform; antique stereoscope with pictures; oval woven basket with lid; urns; 4 shelf stand with ginger bread; Easter Nancy Ann story book Dolls and Books; tin type photo album; maple quilt rack; table linens; Craftmaster over stuffed paisley sofa with matching chair and hassock; mahogany China cupboard; antique pitcher collection; state spoon collection; vintage silver plate and crystal 1940’s wine service; cups and saucers collections; iron sheep door stop; modern 7 drawer roll top desk; large collection of Willi Ray Studio items; large oak cabinet with solid wood doors; Cherished Teddy Bear collection; Longaberger display rack and book; Halls serving bowls; green checked 3 piece sofa; 6 x 8 coral flowered area rug; multiple rocking and straight chairs; TV and VCR stand; pine dry sink cabinet; cranberry globe floor lamp; salt box houses; wicker bed tray; mahogany 3 tier corner cabinet; Victorian spindle back gliding rocking chair; children’s chairs; multiple storage totes; Homer Laughlin dishes; maple coffee table; W – Lynton flowered chamber pot; pink Bolster arm entry bench; long low back brown velvet sofa; G.E. movie camera; weather alert clock radio; 1950’s Golden Heart Pyrex; vintage Maytag fuel mixing can; 15 + Quilts including: Pinwheel, Pinwheel variation, 9 Square, Bow Tie, Texas Star, Butterfly, Snow Flake, Flower Patch, Flower Garden, Holly Hobby; other fine items.


2020 Lincoln MKZ 2.OT AWD with only 22,950 miles with leather interior, loaded, black exterior – Very Sharp – will sell at 12 Noon; Cub Cadet 2013 GTS 2000 V twin shaft drive , 50” cut; Yard Max YT4565 rear tine tiller still in box; Troy Bilt Chipper/ Shredder 10:1 reduction, 6.5 H.P.; Troy Bilt pressure washer, 2.5 g.p.m. with Honda motor; Cub Cadet snow blower 926 ; Poulan 16” chain saw; Stihl MS 170 chain saw; Stihl FS 38 chain saw; Troy Bilt gas leaf blower; BD 75 reciprocating saw; Hitachi kit with drill and flashlight; Craftsman 1.5 HP.P. router and lettering templates; 2 red child wagons; hang up shop vac; Mantis tiller; other items.

Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter. For more information about this Auction stop by our office downtown Covington, Indiana, call Greg at 765-793-7315, text 765-585-8418 or e-mail We are here to help with your Auction, Real Estate and Appraisal needs.

AUCTIONEER NOTE: 290 pictures and sale bill on Auctioneer ID #1983. Sandra is moving. She has many excellent items to offer at this auction. Food & drink available onsite. Bring a friend and join us for a great day at the Auction.


Sandra Meade – Owner