Saturday, May 13, 2023
11:00 am EDT
Auction Location: 8168 S 700 W., Williamsport, Indiana or 3 miles West of Covington, Indiana on U.S. 136, then 4.5 miles North on S.R. 63 to Galloway Chapel Road, then ½ miles West, then 1 mile South on C.R. 700 W. Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.
Maytag Washer and Electric Dryer; large vintage copper and brass stove pot with bird stream spout; locking metal wardrobe; ice cream freezer; collection of glass baskets, Fenton, milk glass, blue red; stainless pots pans; Toastmaster oven; 4 ft. 15” high Santa and sleigh; ruby red pitcher; Bill Day 193 wood bowl; 4 gal. oval can by Davis Welding – Cincinnati, Ohio; stacking Pyrex bowls; green depression glass; pine country bench; large glass milk can vase; cow cookie jars; cat cookie jar; small China closet; lighted glass China cabinet; cow creamer; Big Ridgeway grandfather clock; blown glass smalls; antique stereoscope and pictures; kerosene lamp collection; 6’ Werner step ladder; Christmas wreath collection, clean, Christmas blow mold; White handmade applique quilt – Beautiful; halogen pole lights; vintage side table; child’s oak rocker; maple wooden sofa with pads; and 2 matching chairs; low wood storage shelf; Rodney Grovier 1993 Snow Barn painting; A. Hutchinson oil painting; Patricia Kulis covered bridge painting; Taylor and Johnson pictures; linens; exterior Christmas lights; wood coat rack; Lee K. Parkinson print; many cameras; opera glasses; walnut lamp table; Viceroy movie projector; 8 track tapes; quilt book; owl collection; 10 quarts of buttons plus; oak stand up drop leaf table; oak China closet with leaded glass doors; canopy umbrellas; mahogany Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table; ladder back chairs; Pro Form treadmill; dish towels; pick apple basket; computer desk; sewing jewelry cabinet; old school books; silver Christmas tree; broomstick horse; VCR and DD players; old schoolbooks; notions; IGA sewing needles; sofa table with dresser; wrap around chairs with cane back; craft and hobby supplies; 4 drawer file cabinet; Enesco Lady salt and pepper shakers; vases; oak hope chest; sheets; owl butter press; 4 dr. file cabinet; pig bacon presses; Super Chef knives; Eve – N Bake bows; Farber ware pan set; spice rack; Hazel Atlas sugar shaker; Kitchen Aid stand mixer; Planters Peanut cookie jar; assorted animal and Christmas cookie jars; 4 oak curved spindle back kitchen chairs; Formica wood oval kitchen table with leaf; 6 shelf wall hangings; pressure sprayers; camp fire kettle 7” cowboy & Indians, cap gun; Army action figures; Chamber pots; collection; Wagner paint sprayer; Flipper lunch box; old baseball gloves; match holders; minnow bucket strainer; comic books; safety reflectors; Heath fish finder; Little Red wagon; Vintage double door radio/record player cabinet; tube tester; kerosene heater; pickle jar with handle; graniteware canning cookers; Toro weed trimmer; egg basket; pressure canner; erector; wood beer barrel with spicket; can with a pump sausage grinder; L.C.. Smith Bros. typewriter; Cooking utensils; microwave pressure cooker; deep fryer; Tupperware; Kenmore cabinet; sewing machine; Glass patio table; Igloo coolers; Texas ware bowl; aluminum folding chairs; flowerpots; pottery bird bath; wood outdoor chairs; metal patio chairs; Cub Cadet parts for snow blower; vinyl barn mail box; old bikes and foot scooter; many baskets; telephone pole snowman and scare crows; canvas director chair; extra-large Noel sign; unicycle; abundance for Christmas and Halloween décor and yard decorations; handcrafted metal deer canoe and moose; inflatable Santa; blow mold snowman; owl clock; other items.
More pictures and sale bill available on Use Auctioneer ID: 1983
TERMS OF AUCTION: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter.
Paula Thomas – Owner