11:00 am CST (Illinois time)
Danville, Illinois
LOCATION: 25638 Shake Rag Road, Danville, Illinois or 1.5 miles South of Bismarck, IL on Shake Rag Road, or 2.2 miles North of Menards on Shake Rag Road. Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.
Vintage cookie jars; English Royalty King & Queen tin; Queen Elizabeth serving tray; violin; fire truck cookie jar; hair crimper & curling iron; Tinkertoy builders; post cards; Prince Albert cans; bottle topper for sprinkling water; Western neck ties; political buttons; hankie box; baby pound puppies; cereal boxes; potato masher; baseball gloves; Zebco 202 fishing pole; Ruko folding knife; Sabre stainless steel folding picket knife; Junior safety razor; scissors; Sears hair clippers; Spartus picket watch wall clock; M.W. pitcher & 6 steins; My Buddy doll; Holland Michigan wooden shoes; hats; ice skates; Chinese checker board; Halloween costumes & masks; Quaker Oats ceramic canister; train cookie jar; Danville pictorial history book by Bob Wright; depression glass; children’s books; cheese box; floor lamps; cook books; table lamps; Davey Crocket vest; Balance scales; 1940’s Powder boxes; composition dolls; pull toys; blankets; jewelry; comforters; concrete deer & horse; tin wind up train & 6 cars; Remington typewriters; afghans; Betty & Veronica glass; wood butter mold; Corelle dishes; Pyrex bowls; pots & pans; marbles; graniteware; potato peeler collection; baby bottles; silverware; large egg platter collection; canning jars; pressure cooker; LP records; nut cracker bowls; 2 blue crocks; Dairy thermometer; frosted mugs; matchbook collection; Cissna Park Co-Op rain gauge; mantel clocks; mouth harp; meat grinder; Aunt Jemima plastic sugar & creamer 1950’s; milk cans; Shark skate board; Fiesta creamer; large ceramic bell collection; nut cracker bowls; lanterns; child’s rocker license plates; board games; child’s tea set; elephant & cat creamers; belt buckles; kraut cutter; Tonka loader, dump truck, crane; True Value pickup truck; Mighty Tonka dump truck; wood nail kegs; corn sheller’s; Griswold damper; coal buckets; Sad irons; coffee pots; rolling pins; cake tin; flour sifters; tea pot collection; hand held mixer collections; hat boxes; 3 US buttons; several trunks; lard presses; paper mache pumpkin lantern; wash board adv. Pencils; leather vises; flour bin; marble trinket dish; old buttons; Lusterware / terrier dog hound figurines; View Master; Old Maid cards; Aeromatic glider gun; Prairie Farmer 1929; 1901 & 1964 Almanac; Press Steel steam shovel toy; full size bed; 5 drawer dresser; vanity ; cobalt blue glass chicken egg holder & egg plate; 3 piece dress set; lamps cranberry candy dish; kids knee hole desk; wind up drummer; horse door stop cast iron; Mason Mfg. treadle sewing machine; treadmill; art deco Indian glass modern; handmade donkey head; Griswold skillet with lid; tin doll house toy cash register; Marx reversible coupe 1930 tin bumper car; transistor radios; windup toys; Allstate train track; Tiny Tot wagon; Marlboro belt buckle; mink coat; large yard stick collection; Danville Cash & Carry Lumber scraper; 3 burner stove ; Pepsi crate; cig. Machine; Burrin’s Pharmacy from Covington medicine bottles; shaving soaps; toy tin chicken; American can banks; Mane arms; plastic lunch boxes; clay marble; cherry pitter; metal cabinets; Tell City kitchen table with 4 chairs; Christmas dishes; towels; round side table 2 cushion flora sofa; tree turner; Jack Be Nimble child’s shovel; Bill Day 98 wood bowl; Tinker toy; American logs; Kenmore bottle warmer; Homer Laughlin; beat pot; Fairfield fruit bowl; Dunbar pitcher & 6 glasses; J.D. Wright Imp. Cups; JD toys engine; 1994 Farm Progress show 840 Kinze; scale noodles; Sears annuals; 1947 Golden Rod William Sport; Oreck sweeper; 3 level play house; mini deer planters; advertising tins; Maid of Honor Yellow & Red One; Ironstone China chamber pot; doilies; Wild Rose bowls; Aunt Jemima ; Finney’s Grocery Conard Grain, Bismarck; EC Woodrum Phillips 66, Payton Seed Co. ; oak dresser; pie safe; pump organ; Pontiac visor mirror; thermometers; Bird wall pocket; brass tea pot; hand painted pink bowl; kitchen scales; fans; tea kettle galvanized tubs; yard tools; Smurf drinking glasses wooden doors; Dupont refrigerator; crocks; horse equipment; glass blocks; Shell gas station sign; hobnail lamps; electric lift chair – like new; old tricycles; other items.
2 WD 45 tractors – one runs; Farmall H tractor, NF, Oliver 1650 tractor; 1947 IHC fire truck from Bismarck; 1946 Ford fire truck from Alvin; several lawn tractors – Don Evans – Owner
1948 Chevrolet 1.5 ton truck; JD 227 mounted picker; Oliver 520 twine manure spreader; buggy seat; 2 old fenders; fencing; wooden wagon spoke wheels; Huskee lawn tractor single trees; old quanset building in parts; gates; cattle panels; sweep auger for government grain bins; JD 495 A planter; baler; 3 pt. bale litter; lumber yard train; buzz saw – parts; McCormick 18 hole drill; gas tank on skids; 6’ pull type mower; concrete mixer; black smith grinder; roll around shelving; wood stove; old wagon gear; David Bradley flare bed; JD 10 ft. disc; hay loader drive beside; wagon with Wards wagon gear; Allis wagon gear; Helix wagon gear; barbed wire roller; horse drawn weeder; 2 tire racks; under carriage for Moline Unipicker; Miller Machine Shop flatbed dump trailer; parts for small wooden threshing machine; sheller att. For JD mounted picker 2 row; large dip tank from Hyster; JD hay rake; J.D. manure spreader; Puzey Bros. Inc. power rake; JD 4 bottom plow; PTO post hole digger; tri axle 24 ft. implement trailer; AC 4 row cultivator; 30’ Iron beams; road drag; overhead wagon hoist; JD hay rake; JD manure spreader model H; box wagon; truck bed with hoist; wind power generator; old auger; 2 grader blades; 9 ft. JD sickle bar mower; power reducer for drive train; 15 ft. JD cultivator; horse drawn side delivery rake; 2 manure spreaders – one horse drawn; other items.
Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter. For more information about this Auction stop by our office downtown Covington, Indiana, call Greg at 765-793-7315, text 765-585-8418 or e-mail We are here to help with your Auction, Real Estate and Appraisal needs.
450 pictures and complete sale bill on Auctioneer ID #1983. Tractors, fire trucks and old machinery will sell at 1:00 pm CST