AUGUST 12, 2023
11:00 am EDT
Location:107 Marshall Street, Crawfordsville, Indiana or 1.5 blocks South of U.S. 136 / Market Street or 1.5 blocks Northwest of College. Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.
refrigerator; Whirlpool washer & elec. dryer; small G.E. chest freezer; Tappan gas range; Pro Form 395 Crosswalk; Roseville vase 121-8; Roseville 312 cookie jar; USA brown bean pot; tea pots; iron skillets; sad iron; quart jar of marbles kerosene lamps wood utensils; 3 gal. glazed butter churn; elec. brass kerosene lamp with painted glass shade; Tupperware; Fire King & Pyrex bowls; Roseville Lily candlesticks; embroidery flower quilt squares; embroidery pictures; US Independence Zippo lighter; Presidential books; antique lion and baboon lamp; Fountain Central year books: 66-73; Turkey Run: 74-87; Clay City school sweater; US Navy bibs; – green; vintage boy scout shirt; Civil War books; American history books; 3 section floor lamp; 1940 cream color lamp; Kenmore sewing machine; picnic basket; blankets; rustic tree hall tree; jewelry box; 3 cushion brown sofa; colonial mahogany stained table & 6 chairs; floor lamp; 2 spindle back chairs; antique pitcher Sidney pattern; small bent wood chair; peach colored side chair; Tell City 4 drawer knee hole desk; La Z Boy recliner; matching maple end tables with drawers; 5 ft. coffee table with storage; antique channel back side chair; brass lamps wood TV trays; entertainment center; walnut antique lamp tale; maple keg sewing box; cutter quilt; double magazine table; 5 drawer pecan dresser with matching; bedside table; round piano stool with claw foot; twin day bed; computer deck; queen size bed – maple with vanity; desk lap bookcase; Gene Keady bobble head; 3 gal. crock; 2 crock jugs; wash tub; buck saw; wood planers; Pencraft grinder; vintage Schwinn bike polish; 3 wheel ride on troy; American wood snow sled; 2 red Coca Cola crates; 2 yellow Coca Cola crates; 2 red children’s folding chairs; Flamingo ice chest; milk can; Breakfaster one slice toaster; pots & pans; 7 piece enamel ware; yarn; 5 ft. step ladder; Wilson tennis racket; vintage board games; ; 3 folding camp chairs; copper tea kettle; doll crib; many Norman Rockwell Centennial plates – 30 with wood frames; 1975-1986 Christmas plates; metal 2 dr. file cabinet; linens; Kenmore sweeper; men’s dressing chair; 100 play carom board by Merdel; Electric football game; American Flyer Gilbert train set and boxes; 70’ x 48’ 2 walnut closet; 2 drawer library table; 4 units metal shelving; 4 ft. plant bench; kitchen stool with back; round kitchen table with chairs; 4 drawer chest; maple double bed frame & side table; Vivitar camera; sheet music; record player album stand; necktie collection; 7 Up, IU, 500 pop bottles; Barbie View Master; Norman Rockwell prints; Toys including: dart board, tambourine, Matchbox cars, metal soldiers; Bridget groom dolls; acme of Parlor game; metal Crawfordsville State Bank – bank; Star Trek USS Enterprise with box; Brave Eagle drum;1933 World’s Fair book; Tom Sawyer giant crayons; Tinker toys; American Plastic bricks; Pennsylvania RR books; model airplane kits; children’s Golden & Wonder books; Turkey Run school blanket – wool; 1987 Turkey Run signed baseball; Lefton figurines; Monopoly; Sears kid’s carpenter set; world globe; Valentine samples Flight Commanders & Special Police badges; ivory dice; silver thimble; goat bells black alum. walking canes; jewelry; clip earrings; necklaces; child’s patriotic drum; puzzles; seasonal items; Johnny West; Westward Ho; boys football uniform; vintage hats; gold baby class ring and others; 1914 Fatima motion book; metal GR2 -2431 Tonka Army transport truck; metal turquoise Buddy L car transport semi; metal Sears stock trailer; metal Sears Roebuck and Co. rental cargo trailer; plastic fire engine # 598 American La France; Deans Van tools; cabinet base with enamel top; trash cans; Craftsman drill press & double grinder; watering Lines; semi moving truck; 1966 Hard plastic Mustang; metal Buddy L wrecker truck; bath towels; yard can; Western Flyer wagon; Harvest King garden sprayer; lawn edger; Craftsman vise; Snapper snow blower; Yardman gas mower; ext. cords; 2 Schwinn bikes; 1 Western Flyer; 22 V gas blower; bolt cutters; C clamps hand saws; vacancy wood sign; stop sign; Auto inspection sign; men sign; wood clamps; radiant tank heater; 3 quilt tops; Seiko watch and others; ladies fur hats; jewelry boxes; brass hall tree; folk art picture; oval picture with domed glass; kerosene lantern with red globe; Kellog’s Mickey Mouse bobble head; battery operated intercom; Thunder bolt horse; other items.
Auctioneer Note:
A fine selection of very clean furniture, appliances and good classic toys and games.
Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter. for pictures. Auctioneer ID: 1983