PUBLIC AUCTION: Saturday – October 15, 2022

Public Auction
Location:16830 E C.R. 2550 N Road, Danville, Illinois, or 2 miles North of West Newell Road on Shake Rag Road, then 2/10-mile West on C.R. 2550 N or 1.3 miles South of Bismarck on Shake Rag Road, then 2/10-mile West on C.R. 2550 N. or 2 miles North of Menards on Shake Rag Road.
(Watch for Greg Clingan signs)
October 15, 2022
10:00 am CDT – Illinois Time
4 J.D. A tractors; J.D. G tractor; J.D. B tractor; 2 Massey 44’s; Farmall 460 tractor; IH 184 Low Boy tractor; A.C. C Tractor; IH small Cub tractor; Ford Work Master tractor; 2 WD 45 parts tractors; Farmall 706 D tractor, wide front; Cockshutt tractor; Oliver Row Crop 88 tractor with Stan Hoist; JD 70 D tractor, Diesel, Rollomatic; JD 2010 Tractor; A.C. B tractor, wide front; Ford 8N tractor; MM M5 tractor; 2007 Corn Pro 16 ft. livestock trailer; 2010 Ford Super Duty 250 XL Diesel pickup, regular cab, 115,903 miles, 4×4, V8 Power Stroke; JD 3020 tractor; IHC backhoe with 922 hours; 2-WC45 Allis Chalmers Tractors; Case D310F dozer – serial 3022047 – not running; J.D. 4400 D combine with #213 grain head; J.D. 3300 gas combine with #343 corn head – runs; J.D. #7000 planter; IH Loadstar 1600 grain truck with Midwest bed – runs; 16 ft.; bucket for Oliver; box scraper; feed wagon; haragator; loader; Vermeer 605 baler; old drill; Oliver hay crimper; Case grinder; IH silage chopper; J.D. head mover; radiator; parts washer; valve grinder; J.D. grain drill; air compressor; 4 grain wagons; 15’ IHC disc; Donahue trailer; Ford field cultivator; Oliver sickle bar mower; hay hiker; silage bin; manure spreader; cultivator; 2,3, & 4 bottom plows; J.D. running gear; ripper; J.D. 6 row 3076 planter; 2 Gehl silage wagons; radial arm saw; cider press; seed cleaner; IH wheel weight; 8 row planter for parts; 3 pt. hitch; pedestal grinder; Lincoln 225 amp welder; J.D. 241 baler; 2 man saw; primitive cabinet; old scale; floor jack; 3 large parts bins; surveyor transit and equipment; steel wheel drill; IHC one row corn picker; Convey O Matic; WD 45 parts; Club Car electric golf cart- not running; fence stretchers; 2 battery chargers; Bosch electric saw; grease guns; Work Saver seeder; corn sifter; drill press; bench grinder; saw horses; oil; tractor parts; Reddy heater; gas cans; Hi Brass fitting display; wash tubs; I beam; tractor manuals; tin; Star Crone cherry picker; shelves; metal tables; Farm Hand air compressor; valve grinder; c clamps; fans; vises; ladders; wagon tires; Arbor press; tractor tool boxes; tap and die set; wood tool chest; ext. cords; Troy Bilt tiller; book shelf; storm windows; Pax bulk bin; 2 Redman metal advertising signs; semi-trailer for storage; hiker; wood Petro storage box; other items including Maytag washer & gas dryer, GE range, Whirlpool refrigerator.
Below listed in blue are located at the Bismarck, IL location:
Minneapolis – Moline MS Serial #10171004
John Deere 70 Diesel
Ford 8N
Allis Chalmers B
Farm ALL 706
Vermeer Baler
More (OVER 179) pictures and sale bill on Auctioneer ID #1983.
Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter.
Note: Auction will start at the 16830 E C.R. 2550 N Road , Danville, Illinois location then move to the 301 Holloway, Bismarck, Illinois location which is just East of the railroad tracks in Bismarck. Callahan Concessions
If you have any questions or need further information regarding this Auction, please stop by our office downtown Covington, call Greg at 765-793-7315 or text 765-585-8418.