PUBLIC AUCTION: Saturday – October 29, 2022

October 29, 2022
11:00 am EDT
LOCATION: 906 10th Street, Covington, Indiana. East end of town on Pearl Street in Covington, Indiana
PARCEL #1: (Pictured) Four bedroom, 2.5 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, den, fireplace, partial basement, enclosed porch, deck, asphalt driveway, vinyl exterior, many mature trees. Located on a .75-acre corner lot. Taxes: Note: Lot size is estimated subject to final survey.
PARCEL #2: Parcel 2 is located to the East of parcel 1. Subject to final survey. Potential building lot.
NOTE: Real Estate will sell at 12:00 Noon EDT
REAL ESTATE TERMS: 5% Down Day of auction with balance at closing within 45 days after auction and is non – refundable. Buyer must have financing arranged prior to auction. Not subject to financing. Real Estate sold subject to owner confirmation. Taxes: Taxes will be prorated to day of closing. The successful bidder will sign an offer to purchase immediately after the auction. The auctioneers are exclusive agents of the sellers. Announcements day of auction will take precedence over printed material. Merchantable, insured title will be furnished. All real estate is being sold in its existing “As Is” and “Where Is “ condition with no warranties or representations of any kind, either expressed or implied as to the condition of the property or improvements theron made by the Estate or auctioneer. Each potential bidder shall exercise due diligence and is responsible for his or her independent inspection, investigations, and inquiries.
Colonial maple bed full size and matching corner dresser/ desk; La Z Boy rocker recliner; doll furniture; sofa; carpet cleaner; Corelle; recliner; bath towels; 2 twin beds & matching 3 drawer chest; coolers; new gazing ball; Minolta camera; Tupperware; food saver machine; card tables; blankets; sheets; lamps Christmas; binoculars; oak coffee table; 2 Madden rocking side chairs; digital scales; double recliner; Daisy BB gun; corner TV cabinet; Visio flat screen HD TV; battery mantel clock; small sofa & matching chair; wood crates; food grinder; picnic baskets; garden flower baskets; Gird Scout utensils & canteen; big doll house.
walnut double short 4 poster bed; Davis Cabinet Co. maple double bed; vintage chalk board; The Century War Book; pine corner desk and 3 drawer chest; children’s books; string clown puppet; Xylophone; violin; old photo album; baby shoes; quilts; mandolin; game box with stand; Champion snow sled; Wedgewood; cane bottom chairs; wood high chair; Fountain County activities in World War; Fountain County Centennial; floor lamps; Past & Present Fountain & Warren County; Pearls Along The Wabash; Volume I Welcome to Covington, Indiana; Sick Bay by Alexs Gard – US Navy; Marshall Studio bird vases; Army bugle; sewing bag and yarn; Victor8ian picture of lady with umbrella; bone handle knife; 1 gallon cast iron pot with bail and lid; sheep & cow bell collection; thimbles; 4 gal. Blue Ribbon crock; gallon crocks; blue pottery bowl; 5 gal. jug lamp; J & G Meakin ironstone dishes; Amber Putnam 24.3 lightning fruit jar; round oak pedestal table & leaves; wash stand; Indy 500 books; old cameras; jewelry; C & L lead pot heater with several lead pots; kerosene lamp with hangers; Tree Spring Farm photo; baby dresses; toe shoes; sailor dress uniforms complete; round U.S. bucket with padded handle; photos; Wirthmore feed sack; Navy duffle bag; yard sticks; square wash tub; tricycle; one foot scooter; 40″ walnut drop leaf table; linen chest; walnut step end table; small walnut drop leaf table; 1880 First Edition Lew Wallace Ben Hur; Covington Trojan year books: 38,k39,49,58,61,63,66,67; Mainline Express train & track; 4 small ladder back chairs; Colonia maple chair & foot stool red youth chair; lantern; draw knife; buck saw; coper line reel; canning cookers; Fountain County plat book 1961; wood storage box; glass top canning jars; roller skates and ice skates; B.K. Elliott Co. wood box; Homer Laughlin dishes; Willow.
Craftsman jointer; wood lather; Weber grill; golf clubs; fiberglass ladders; paint sprayer; lawn chairs; Skil battery drill; wood planer; Craftsman 10″ band saw & 10″ table saw ; Troy Bilt leaf blower elec.; router with table; Woodtek belt disk sander; 5 speed drill press; 27 drawer cabinet; tool box; McCullogh 1400 psi power washer; trolling motor; portable lights; L.D. Hegg apron; pulleys; tree trimmer; squirrel proof plant hangers; garden planter; car ramps; weight scale; post driver; license plates; yard tools; garden push plow; old wheel barrow; dolly mover; pipe clamps; fishing poles; 6 duck decoys; bird cage; metal yard swing with frame; ceramic bird bath; 4 wheel green yard set; 20′ alum. ladder; apple baskets; come a long; 24″ hedge trimmers; drain snake; box fans.
Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter.
If you have any questions or need further information regarding this Real Estate or personal property, please stop by our office downtown Covington, call Greg at 765-793-7315 or text 765-585-8418.
Sale bill and more pictures available on Use Auctioneer ID 1983