Estate Auction! Saturday – June 25, 2022

Estate Auction
Saturday – June 25, 2022
11:00 am EST
Location: 300 S 8th Street, Cayuga, Indiana or West of Clark Chevrolet on Curtis Street, then South on 8th Street. Look for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.
RCA 58 in. TV; 2 La Z Boy recliners; Kenmore electric stove – white; Westinghouse refrigerator – white; kitchen utensils; Emerson microwave; 33” TV ; porcelain pans; Hamilton Beach coffee pot; Fire King glassware; depression glass; Coca Cola ; knee hole desk and chair; floor lamps; holiday décor; maple dresser; end table; 6 gal. crock; end tables; roll a way bed; Fiestaware; beer steins; crock jugs; covered wagon décor; porcelain pot; hump back trunk; wood bowl; Tonka toy truck; cook books toaster; silverware; picnic basket; wood doll house; counter top; 2 recliners; 2 swivel chairs; typewriter; books by Annie Oakley, A Yankee Flier, Lassie; meat grinders; Meadow Gold milk bottle; North Western milk bottle; projector screen; Country Natural Gas Co. match holder; toaster oven; folding room divider; 2 wood school desk; 2 duck decoys; vintage sad clown cookie jar; wood hall tree; owl collection; Salad Master chopper; wood bucket; porcelain dolls; 2 antique irons; 1964 Mattel doll; swan paper weight; brass book ends – Ducks; oil canvas; flower pots; clocks; covered bridge painting by B. Bennett; child’s tricycle; galvanized tubs; cast iron mini stove; Coke cooler; Salesman vault sample; washboards; pressure cooker; wreathes; popcorn popper; Color Craft cups and bowls; bottle capper; side tables; shelves; glass blocks; Tiffany style lamps; Craftsman router table; Craftsman 15 in. drill press; Craftsman 6 in. bench grinder; 5 H.P. IC motor log splitter; Jacks; hand seeder; jumper cables; ladders; battery charger; wheel barrow; Remington 50 LP forced air heater; wood nail kegs; Jerry cans; Martin 100 boat motor – rough; Remington 16 in. electric chain saw; fishing poles; scaffolding; cast iron pot belly wood stove; Igloo cooler; minnow buckets; Webber grill; yard tools; fishing poles; hand saws; #4 vise; shingle cutter; wood wagon wheels; milk cans; many other items.
Sale bill and photos available on Auctioneer ID # 1983.
Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter.
Anna LeClaire Estate – Owner
Greg Clingan IN-AU01040362
Hannah Clingan IN-AU11800013