Estate Auction – Saturday – May 21, 2022

Estate Auction – Saturday – May 21, 2022 at 11:00 am EDT
Note: Real Estate will sell at 12:00 Noon EDT
LOCATION: 2977 N 70 W., Attica Indiana or 1.5 miles South of Attica on Xavier Road, then 8/10 mile West on CR 860, then 1 mile South on CR 70W.
Watch for Greg Clingan Auction & Real Estate signs.
Single family 3-bedroom single family home has 1 bath, living room with fireplace, kitchen, den, and central air on 2 acres. Approximately 1,872 sq. ft. living area, electric base board heat, metal roof, vinyl exterior, 2 car detached garage, 600 sq. ft. shed. Located in portion of section 25, Twp. 21N, Range 8W. Taxes: $690.44 annually with homestead and elderly exemption.
Inspection Dates:
Friday, April 29, 2022
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm EDT
Friday, May 6, 2022
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm EDT
Real Estate Terms: 5% Down Day of auction with balance at closing within 30 days after auction and is non – refundable. Buyer must have financing arranged prior to auction. Real estate sold subject to owner confirmation. Taxes will be prorated to day of closing. The successful bidder will sign an offer to purchase immediately after the auction. The auctioneers are exclusive agents of the sellers. Announcements day of auction will take precedence over printed material. Merchantable, insured title will be furnished. Each potential bidder shall exercise due diligence and is responsible for his or her independent inspection, investigations, and inquiries.
Ford Taurus, white exterior, 100,277 miles, new battery, nice condition, will sell at 12 Noon; 5 section oak lawyers cabinet; 40” round pedestal table; 6 chairs; 2 La Z Boy recliners; plaid love seat; end table; Duncan Phyfe drum table; wall clock with picture door; black Amana refrigerator; metal shelves; LG T.V.; maple child’s rocker; Eastlake marble top walnut 3 drawer dresser; 1940’s dresser; small ½ round wall table; oak folding chair; Invacare wheel chair; shower chair; oak mirror hanging wall tree; Estate washer; Amana elec. dryer; wood gun rack; arrow back chair; platform rockers; drop leaf table; New Imperial stainless silver for 8; Production Credit clock; metal glider; log roller; metal frame twin bed; Singer treadle sewing machine; Homer Laughlin service for 8; Grossman air rifle; copper boiler; wall pocket; 10 K ring; small dough crock & large bowl crock; blue crocks; cowbell; 4 ladder back chairs lamps; decorator plates; Farberware; floor fan; kerosene lamp; Dirt Devil sweeper; folding table ; card table; metal cabinet; Hanson scales ; 2 bikes; wood clother rack; mustache cup; Red Wing bowl; boom box; ladders; 275 gal. oil drum with pump; kerosene cook stove burner jug; Radio yard cart; pottery; birdbath; bedspreads; fold up cot; canes; Toys including: McCormick Deering cast tractor, IHC tractor & combines, AC gleaner combine; Echo train set; kid’s books & games; WW II history books; Tootsie toy water fire truck; twin book case headboard; View Master; toy box; cedar chest; table lamp; baby crib; Attica year books including: 45,46,47, 1965 to 1975; Vintage children’s paper story books; bed linens; pots & pans; Tupperware; costume jewelry; vintage clothes; bucksaw; dinner bell & hanger; Faust and Frey thermometer; Mobil 5 gal. gas can; brace bit; iron skillet; antique Standard Oil 4 gallon can with lid & handles; toy JD bailer; oak circle scribe; garden tools; buggy axle; 12 ft. industrial shelving sections; 4 ft. yard roller; 25 yards entry elect wire with cable; Stihl 009 15” bar chain saw; mobile air tank; small set of micrometers; vintage JD rain gauge with vile; old wood planes; vintage level; pressure canner with jars; 1913 Past & Present Fountain & Warren book; Attica Crimson 1936; 1983 Fountain County History book; 1887 Knights of Pithius uniform; Weekly on the Wabash by Wheeler McMillen; letter opener collection; Superb USA cigarette case; Poulan 17 H.P. 42 in. cut lawn tractor with new battery; Cub Cadet 1170 lawn tractor – value stuck; NAPA battery charger; fire place grate; log rack; picnic tables & benches; Remington bullet box; Danville Producers milk can; 40 ft. ext. ladder; vintage red metal kitchen stool; garden seeder; anvil vise; Speedway grinder; coal bucket; 5 ft. 2 x 12” work bench; antique hose reel; Hahn Eclipse tiller; antique wheel barrow; square wash tubs; galvanized lawn sweeper; yard tools; The Master oil jar; Handyman Harrah jack , Bloomfield, Indiana; pitch forks; 3 pt. log splitter; chains; other items.
Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper I.D., I.D. for buyer number. All property to be settled for day of sale. No property to be removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Auctioneers and sale personnel work as selling agents only and assume no liability or guarantees. Announcement’s day of sale take precedence over printed matter.
Sale bill and more photos available on (Auctioneer ID: 1983)
Eleanor L. Bodine Estate – Owner
Attorney: John Shambach