Land Auction – Thursday – December 8, 2022

Land Auction
Thursday – December 8, 2022
11:00 am EST
79.99 acres M/L
Day of Auction Location: The Beef House Restaurant – Oak Room @ 16501 N. S.R. 63. NW corner of S.R. 63 & I 74. Covington, Indiana.
Land Location: 1 Mile North of Dana, Indiana on S.R. 71, then 1/4-mile East down lane.
79.99 acres (M/L) located in portion of section 14, 21, 23, Twp.16N, Range 10W
FSA: approximately 78.49 acres tillable.
Predominant soil types: Flanagan silt loam, Sable silty clay loam.
Estimated Taxes: $2,738.00
NOTE: The 50 ft. x 1315 ft. lane access is included in the total acreage.
REAL ESTATE TERMS:10% Down day of auction with balance at closing within 30 days after auction and is non – refundable. Buyer must have financing arranged prior to auction. Real Estate sold subject to owner confirmation. Taxes: Seller will pay 2022 taxes payable 2023 and Buyer will pay 2023 taxes payable in 2024. Possession: After Harvest of 2022. The successful bidder will sign an offer to purchase immediately after the auction. The auctioneers are exclusive agents of the sellers. Announcements day of auction will take precedence over printed material. Merchantable, insured title will be furnished. All real estate is being sold in its existing “As Is” and “Where Is “ condition with no warranties or representations of any kind, either expressed or implied as to the condition of the property or improvements theron made by the Estate or auctioneer. Each potential bidder shall exercise due diligence and is responsible for his or her independent inspection, investigations, and inquiries.
Russell & Vickie McLain – Owners