PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, November 2, 2019 11am

Saturday, November 2, 2019 11AM E.S.T.
Location: 848 E Lightle Road, Veedersburg Indiana or 2 miles South of Veedersburg Indiana on US Highway 41 to Bonebrake Road then 1.7 miles East to New Liberty Road then ½ mile South to Lightle Road then 6/10 mile West. Watch for Clingan signs.
Van Buren & Cain Township – Fountain County, Indiana
Woods – Creek – Pasture – Barn Garage
Tool Shed – Open Shed
This 3-bedroom, 1-bathroom single family home with barn offers a 1 car detached garage, tool shed, open shed and utility shed. The living area also includes a living room, kitchen, partial basement, and gas furnace. Estimated annual taxes: $258.00. Located in portion of section 21 Twp. 19N Range 7W
TRACT 2 – 28.50 ACRES
North Tract
FSA: 28.46 acres tillable. Located in portion of West half of section 21, Twp. 19N Range 7. Predominant soil types: Fincastle silt loam, Treaty silty clay loam, Xenia silt loam. Has been tiled. Estimated annual taxes: $678.00.
TRACT 3 –70.61 ACRES
South Tract
FSA: Estimated 58 acres tillable. Located in portion of S.E. ¼ of section 20, Twp. 19N Range 7W & portion of the S.W. ¼ of section 21 Twp. 19N Range 7W. Predominant soil types: Treaty silty loam, Fincastle silt loam, Xenia silt loam, Russell silt loam. Estimated annual taxes: $1,763.51.
Real Estate Terms: 10% down day of Auction with balance at closing within 30 days after auction and is non-refundable. Procedure: Tracts #2 and #3 will be offered at the same time with the successful bidder having the opportunity to buyeither or both tracts. Buyer must have financing arranged prior to auction. Real Estate sold subject to owner confirmation. Taxes: Seller will pay 2018 taxes payable 2019 and 2019 payable 2020. Possession: Tract #1 at closing. Tract #2 and #3 after harvest of 2019. The successful bidder will sign an offer to purchase immediately after the auction. The auctioneers are exclusive agents of the sellers. Announcements day of auction will take precedence over printed material. Merchantable, insured title will be furnished. All real estate is being sold in its existing “As Is” and “Where Is” condition with no warranties or representations of any kind, either expressed or implied as to the condition of the property or improvements theron made by the Estate or auctioneer. Each potential bidder shall exercise due diligence and is responsible for his or her independent inspection, investigations and inquiries.
Real Estate Inspection Date:
Sunday October 6, 2019 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
4 door 1999 Ford Taurus- 107,500 miles; bird bath; T.M. Smith tool demo kit; Starrx bottle opener; bike hoist; Ryobi drill; truck bed cover; Desa unvented gas wall heater; Budweiser umbrella; Craftsman tool box; towing straps; saw horses; pocket knives; vintage cast iron sink; cattle gates; old lumber; Igloo dog house; wheel barrow; snow fence; galvanized oil pan & water trough; 2 old bikes; meat saw; reproduction gas globe; History of Fountain County 1983 book; service manual for 1962 Buick, 1971 Monte Carlo, oil spickets; Craftsman table saw; Century welder; planters; quilting frame; material; brass bell; Aerodyne Alloys cookie jar truck; 7 director chairs; feed sacks; Longaberger basket; Whirlpool electric dryer; Snowflake Indiana glass; small animal cage; Veedersburg State Bank thermometer; Ideal double tubs; oil cans; Pepsi & 7 Up crate;; Faris picnic jug; Milwaukee vise; cement tools; 12 ft. frog gigger; wood walk board; jumper cables; cast iron clown bank; whiskey car decanter; JD toy tractor; fishing equipment; life jackets; Roy Rogers pin; kitchen scales; 1961 Veedersburg Grain calendar; Pyrex; 18 plates of Corelle; Admiral chest freezer; Wagner cast iron skillet; microwave ; G.E. stack washer/dryer; 18 in. Vizio TV; 2 twin beds; sofa; Roy Rogers story books; 8 drawer dresser; full size bed; 2 night stands; glider rocker; rocker; lamps; pictures; towels; linens; jewelry; silverware; white antique table with 4 chairs; books; yard tools; kitchen table with 4 chairs; bottom of old kitchen cabinet; blankets; small combination safe ;sewing cabinet; crock chicken waterer; jewelry box; rugs; vintage coloramic tree stand; Fischer Price toy piano; Westclox Big Ben clock; old feather ticks; other items.
Personal property Terms: Cash or check with proper I.D. for buyer number. No property to be removed until settled for.Kelly Mitchell-Karen Robertson-Alan Veach-Lori Mendoza-Owners